Friday, October 1, 2010

Game Show Blog: Edition #2

Happy October, folks. As promised, today's edition of my game show blog talks about Wheel of Fortune. As a lot of you know, Wheel of Fortune recently began Season number 28 on the air in syndication, and Pat Sajak and Vanna White are still there. I don't think they'll be going away anytime soon. Anyway, for those of you who have missed the new episodes, the season began by airing two weeks of shows from Vegas. There's still four more weeks of Vegas shows that were taped as well, but those will air later in the season. This week was the first Culver City week of the season and the set looks exactly the same as last season. Of course, there have been some minor changes on the show this year. One of those is that $25,000 is no longer available as a bonus round prize. $30,000 is the new cash minimum for the bonus round. As well, if you win a car in the bonus round, you get an extra $5,000 in cash to go with it. That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. Another change is the introduction of two new puzzle categories. One of those is What's That Song?, in which the puzzle is lyrics to a popular song, and the contestant who solves the puzzle correctly can then win another $3,000 in cash for correctly identifying which song those lyrics are from. Now when I first heard about this category, I thought that would mean retiring the Song Lyrics category since that's essentially the same thing as What's That Song?, but without the bonus question attached to it; yet it's still there, which I find odd because I don't think you need to have two categories that serve essentially the same purpose. But I digress. The other new category is Same Letter, in which every word in the puzzle begins with the same letter of the alphabet. Easy enough to understand. And we also had some history on the show this week. On both the Wednesday and Thursday shows this week, the winning contestant ended up taking the Million Dollar Wedge with them to the bonus round. This is the first time since the MDW's inception in 2008 that this has happened. And as you will recall, 2008 also saw the first and only million dollar winner on the show to date. I hope we have another million dollar winner this season or next. Well, that will conclude this blog. Next time out, I will be taking a look at America's favorite quiz show, Jeopardy. See you all then.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Game Show Blog: Edition #1

Hey, folks. Yes, I have decided to start my own game show blog, which I hope will be very successful. Now then, let's get down to business. For today's blog, I'd like to discuss The Price Is Right. As many of you know, The Price Is Right began its' 39th season on the air this week, which is also Drew Carey's 4th season hosting the immensely popular game show. As well, the new game Pay The Rent made its' first appearance on the first show of the season. For those who missed the game's first playing, allow me to explain how it works. There are six grocery items, and the first item goes on the mailbox level. That gets you an easy $1,000. But then it gets tricky because on the next level are two more items, and the sum of the two prices of those items has to be higher than the price of the item on the first level. If you're successful, you win $5,000. Then, to win $10,000 the sum of the prices of the two items on the next level must be more than the sum of the prices of the previous level's items. Doing so successfully nets you $10,000. Then, the last item is on the very top, and the price of that item must be more that the sum of the price of the previous level's two items. If you are successful in doing this, you win the game's top prize of $100,000. You must use caution, however, because if you are wrong at any time, the game ends and you lose everything you had won to that point. However, you may quit any time you wish and take any money accumulated up to that point. Trust me, this game sounds more complicated to play, not to mention win, then it is to actually explain it. But as the game appears more, you should get the hang of it. In my opinion, this game sounds like it could be just as exciting as Plinko. And for the record, I did see the debut playing of Pay The Rent on YouTube and thought that the contestant played it quite well, even though she lost on the final level. But because of the difficulty of the game, don't expect to see a lot of 100K winners on it. Well, that'll wrap it up for this inaugural edition of my game show blog. For the next edition, I'll discuss Wheel of Fortune. See you then. And remember, help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered. G'bye, everybody! And please post rational, reasonable comments to this.